Wow you figured it out again yeah idk these weren’t supposed to be super hard just kinda neato– oh wait what is this???
Secret 300 word Review of The Quacks of Quedlinburg
So this is kind of weird because I genuinely like this game even though I can unironically say “this is a good game if you like to draw random chits out of a bag”. it’s a good random bag drawing simulator. This is the one that kind of started the mechanic-simulator joke in my head but I actually like this one. If you’ve never played it, basically it’s a deck builder where every turn you spend your earnings buying cool little circles to toss in your bag to mix up so that you can pull them out in the potion brewing phase to earn you more cash to spend to buy little circles and you get the idea. These circles have a number on them and when you pull them in the brewing phase, they move you up a track that represents your tiny cauldron bubbling over. The higher you go up the track, the more cash and points you earn, but when you start this little deck builder you start with quite a few crappy white circles that have a 1 or 2 on them (they move you not that far). If the white ones you pull out of the bag during the course of brewing gets over 7, you blow up.
And blowing up is outrageously fun in this game.
When you blow up in a round, instead of getting points and money like normal risk-adverse human beings, you only get to choose one of the two. When I first played this game, I became a complete degenerate spending every round drawing circles like I had a death wish because I thought to myself, “where is the downside?”. I proceeded to spend the entire game drawing until I explode and choosing money to pick the circles that make the explosion engine feel like i’m playing a version of Can’t Stop with explosions. Speaking of…
So whenever I play this game, I see high value tokens, I buy high value tokens, I draw high value tokens, and I blow up as hard as I can like I’m high concept abstract art. I love drawing random chits out of a bag.