Secret Review #3

It's Time to Stop

something has happened

maybe you could buy that jetsam now

Secret 300 word Review of Can’t Stop

Idk what that vid has to do with anything but yeah this is my experience with Can’t Stop, both possibly the stupidest and highest-ranking game that I’ve played in my entire experience with board games.

In my first play of the game I had knowledge going in that it was purely driven by dice. Since I was playing the game online at boardgamearena, the game would automatically roll the dice for you making the game feel like pure gambling.

What came next was 2 hours of not stopping.

I have taught and played many games different party/filler games but Can’t Stop was one of the first games where I was able to guide the experience without feeling contrived. I genuinely began to wish for things according to the luck of the dice, and it was easy to say things like: “oh baby 2 and 12 let’s fucking go”, and: “I can not stop”, and: “fuck this shit game i’m never playing again ok lets play again”. I was genuinely enthused by the kind of game that Can’t Stop was, and it was easy to play into the gambling vibes and high energy banter when the the alternative was to do math and risk letting people think the game might not be one of the greatest games ever produced.

I have played the games on and off over the past year and it is definitely a game where the players get as much out of it as they put in which is usually a symptom of a bad and hollow game with little to no actual intrinsic gameplay value, but you would be objectively wrong to call Can’t Stop a bad game.

All I can really say is, it says something about a game when not being able to do a single thing on your turn becomes the most entertaining thing that happens in the game. If you know, you know.